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Products Reviewed By

 The Longarm Marine

Why Choose Us?

These days there are many brands of longarms to choose from, and most if not all, will produce a great stitch - but at what cost? Is it really necessary to spend $20-$35K for that perfect stitch?

I think not!

Several years ago, we bought our 1st longarm, and it sat for a year, unused...it never felt 'right' doing free-motion, until we got a computerized quilting/robotic system for it......and since then, we've not looked back! We've since bought, used & sold several brands...

And now, we are an Authorized Grace Dealer and very happy with our quilting system and the great support the Grace company provides.

"I know Grace has been in the quilting business for many years, and a year or so ago in Paducha, and I tested many machines, but the Q'nique just 'felt right', it was affordable and it has since performed perfectly." The folks at The LA Marine were so helpful and set mine up flawlwssly."

Julie Nabors
Quilting For Fun

About Us


The LA Marine

Doe & I go way back...some 15 years or so...and she has been sewing forever. We also have a special needs daughter, Cappy, who is 27 and loves to color!

I joined the Marine Corps in '73 and was what is termed a 'Hollywood' Marine, as I was stationed in El Toro, CA.

After my enlistment, I spent most of my life in the restaurant & hospitality business. I've owned several restaurants along the way & learned how to sharpen knives when I was 10 yrs old. Later, after started a sharpening business and got involved with local fabric shops.

Somehow, Doe got me interested in the Longarm side of things and now I am also now know as “The Longarm Marine".

We Service The Continental USA

We also operate a longarm quilting service for others not yet in a position to purchase a longarm. Our quilting studio is always bursting at the seams with a variety of projects.

Studio, Rentals & Lessons

2705 Walden Woods Dr. Plant City, FL 33566

Studio Hours: Please Call 1st to schedule a time

Monday — Friday

10:00 AM — 4:00 PM


Noon — 4:00 PM

